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Latest Update - Reference School Closure
Posted on: 20/03/2020Dear Parent and Carers,
I hope you have all been well today. Thank you to all those who have communicated with me following my previous ParentMail.
We are all trying to navigate a fast changing picture with government guidance that sometimes feels contradictory.
The senior team will meet on Monday (remotely) to discuss the current situation. We have been working hard to ensure we are planning as best as possible for the school community to continue albeit remotely.
I am very insistent that the Fordwater school site remains heavily restricted next week for obvious health and safety reasons. We are looking closely at what we can achieve safely for keyworker families. If you are a keyworker parent that hasn’t already contacted the school then please do so by emailing the school office or
Some keyworkers may wish to keep your children at home but some of you will need support in order to do your front line work in this crisis.
We are obviously upset that we cannot run Fordwater as normal over the coming weeks but it is simply not possible for us to offer support to each pupil at the current time.
We will listen to parents and carers and look at supporting where we can on a case by case basis in line with the Department for Educations guidance for special schools.
The overwhelming message from Public Health England is to keep yourself and children at home to limit the spread of the virus.
Please email me with any thoughts or concerns and rest assured we are working hard as a team to try and ensure the health and wellbeing of everyone.
The team are working hard on putting together some excellent Fordwater online resources as part of our online home learning curriculum offer. A separate ParentMail will come out about this early next week.
Try to have a good weekend where you can.
Kind regards
Sophie Clarke