
Fordwater Online Training

Online Training (.pdf file)

Safeguarding Training & Assessment Log in

PREVENT training

Eating and Drinking General Awareness - SaLT

Mental Health and Wellbeing PowerPoint (Download)

Trampoline Assembly Instructions - for those with in date training only

Managing Medicines in School Video

Safeguarding Powerpoint Training Videos

Part 1: Safeguarding In Our Schools 2024

Part 2: How are we effective safeguarding professionals


Mental Wealth Powerpoint Training Video

SaLT - Lisa / Amy: Bite size Videos

Intensive Interaction

An introduction to Intensive Interaction. A brief look at what it is, who we can use it with and how It can be done to develop the fundamental communication skills of the pupils we are working with.


A brief overview of what Makaton is, it’s purpose and how we should be using it within our communication environments.

 Means, Reasons and Opportunities

An introduction to the how, what and when of promoting functional communication with all the pupils we work with across the school day and beyond. 

Speech Sounds

A look at how speech develops and where problems may arise. Exploring what to expect when and how we can support pupils with speech sound difficulties within the class.

High Tech Communication

An Introduction to the complexities of developing communication skills for high tech aid users. We briefly explore how we can promote functional communication skills with an aid across the school day.

Symbol use

The following short video’s introduce the use of some basic approaches to using symbols to support a pupils understanding and use of symbols during the school day 

Speech sounds bitesize video


Links for aided language stimulation:


Language Through Play

Modelling language through play: Looks at strategies that focus on pupils interests to develop expressive language.

Now and Next Boards - Powtoon video

Visual Timetables - Powtoon video

PE and Sports Premium Presentation

Medical Training - Gemma

Each of the following 4 courses is supplied by a different provider.

You will need to be patient and register as a new user for each course.

You will be asked for your address/email etc and you will need to make up a password.  You will then be taken  directly to the training, or you will be sent a temporary password to your email address to log in with.

We were unable to get one log in for the whole school.

Allergy and Anaphylaxis

Allergy and Anaphylaxis training course log in


Astma training course log in


Epilepsy – Initial training and to be repeated every other year

Epilepsy - Initial training course log in

Epilepsy – interim/short update to be repeated every other year

Youtube videos of different types of seizures:

Tonic clonic seizure

Absence seizure

Myoclonic seizure

Atonic seizure

Focal seizure

Diabetes awareness

Advanced Diabetes will be additional training for class staff that have Diabetic students, but they would prefer all staff to have a basic awareness, hence the training below.

Diabetes awareness training course log in

Epistatus administration

What is Epistatus?

Buccolam Midazolam administration


E Safety Training 2020

Acceptable Use Policy 2020 (.pdf file)

Evolve and Risk Assessment - Stuart and Vicky

Evolve Training


Guidelines for Educational Visits and Outdoor Educational Activities 2020

Health and Safety training - Trevor

It is essential that we all complete the current Health and Safety training. This reinforces the responsibilities we have in protecting ourselves and others. 

Can you please take time to register for a CPD logon (if you haven’t already done so) and complete the training and confirm to Trevor at his email address below. 

It only takes about 30 minutes.

If there are any issues with the training or you need any further clarification then please contact Trevor Hood at

The website link to enable you to complete the training is below:

Schools Health and Safety Induction Training

Relationships and Sex Education training (RSE) - Natalie

Sex-and-Relationships-Policy 2020 (.pdf file)

New RSE curriculum

Managing Conversations - Amanda Wilsher Associates

Life Skills Level 1 Webinar - David Marson (OT)

Handout - TIS presentation - Level 1 - Life Skills (.pdf file)

Physical Development Level 1 Training

Part 1

Part 2