
Careers Programme

Fordwater School's Careers Programme is designed to prepare our young people for further education, careers advice and employment, reinforced by the benchmarks of the Bakers Clause. In turn, enables our students to develop the knowledge and skills they need to make successful choices, manage transitions in learning and move into college, work or day services.

We deliver this through our future core area of the curriculum.

Students from Year 8 onwards encounter opportunities to meet with college providers, day services and a variety of vocational areas, raising our young people’s aspirations.

Fordwater School delivers this by holding Future Pathways events each year, where students, parents and carers are invited to come and meet with providers. From these events, we are able to work collaboratively with families and young people to plan meaningful and successful transitions.

All students from year 7 upwards take part in Careers Week and Ambitions Day, where they are able to try a number of vocational professions and meet trades people. In order for this to be an inclusive offer, students will encounter these experiences both on school site and in the wider community.

Work experience is a fundamental area for our students, as it raises aspirations, creates opportunities linked to the curriculum topic, ‘World of Work’ and enables development of skills.

Students are able to access both external and internal work experience opportunities, in which they are encouraged to engage and develop their understanding of work place standards including appropriate conduct in context to the environment.  Students maintain a Work Experience Logbook throughout the year documenting their progress.  Students are encouraged to apply for ‘in house’ jobs from our ‘Job Board’ and are supported with applying for work experience positions, completing application forms, preparing for interviews and learning appropriate behaviour.

Moving on Project:

From Year 12 -14, students begin a Moving on Project. Students visit a range of educational providers, day services and work places which deliver supported placements. This enables the young people and the Transition and Careers Leads to develop meaningful and purposeful transition plans.

Students are offered bespoke phased introductions to their chosen pathway, allowing professionals and students to form relationships that will positively enable a successful transition.

The Transition Lead will maintain destination tracking for students post Fordwater, and continue to work collaboratively alongside professionals, families and educational providers to ensure our young people continue to have a successful future pathway. 


Fordwater Careers Programme 2024 - 2025


Fordwater Careers Programme

Ambitions Day and Careers Week

As part of this years Ambitions Day and Careers Week, students were given the opportunity to make choices on vocational workshops and provisions based upon their current interests. Attached is the offer available for students this year.


Careers Month Social Story 

Careers Month Offer to Students 

Careers Week Newsletter 2024


Employer Engagement

At Fordwater we aim to promote and encourage pupils to explore the world of work. Throughout this process businesses are given the opportunity to get to know our students and recognise their abilities, developing their confidence in working with SEND individuals. Students throughout this process develop an understanding of the company they are working with and what is expected of them in the world of world, gaining confidence in their ability to access a work environment, and if work becomes an option, make an informed decision whether the role or company is that they want to be a part of.  

Work Experience – Businesses offer individuals or small group the opportunity to take part in work experience. This ideally happens weekly with students attending one day a week during school hours. When considering work experience placements, we aim to personalise their experience to their interests. As well as maintaining communication.

Work Place Visit -  Businesses provide a small group of students with a visit to their work place.  Following a work place visit feedback is sought from both the employer and the students which is used to inform future activities.

Work Placement –  Businesses provide a student with the opportunity to carry out an extended period of work experience. In this instance the student will effectively be carrying out a business role as an employee would. During their placement the pupil will maintain a Work Experience logbook working alongside the Careers lead to document their experience. Throughout Work Placement communication is maintained with the employer to ensure that all parties are mutually fulfilled with arrangements.  

Employment - Although the ultimate goal is to get paid employment for our young people the we recognise that the decision to employ is based on a number of different factors – including business need and it is never assumed that employment will be offered. 


We are keen to connect with both local and nationwide businesses who would like to support our Careers Programme.

If you can help with an employer engagement or for further information, contact:


Careers Information:

Information for Students:

Prep for adulthood


My Future-Pathways

Future Pathways - Chichester College


Information for Staff:

Coast to Capital SEND Local Market Information (LMI) website

Careers & Enterprise Company SEND resources

National Careers Service


For more information regarding Transitions please contact:

For more information regarding Careers please contact:


Information for Parents:

Please follow the link below to our Future Pathways Catalogue:

Future Pathways Catalogue 

Other Useful Links:

Destination Tracking 

Destination Tracking 2024-25