
Newsletter Number 1





Look through your pack of symbols and make an 'About Me' poster to share with Clare and Emma at school

Think about all the things that you enjoy doing the most.

Is there anything you don't Enjoy?


Turtles  Football Car




Relationships widgit




 Enjoy some breathing exercises to help relax you. Try doing your breathing exercises everyday. You can share how to do your breathing exercises with the rest of your family. 



Look at the school website for more wellbeing activites that you can try.



Physical activities

Healthy lifestyle


At Fordwater School we like to be as active as possible. Try taking part in a fun Sonic the Hedgehog Cosmic Yoga session. 



There are more ideas on how to stay active on the school website:


Fine Motor Skills


Using the playdough in your activity pack, watch and copy the disco dough link , Can you finish the whole song?

Use kitchen tongs to move items from one place to another, this activity practices hand strengh and coordination.





Watch the Bowling with Annie Videos

Can you make a score sheet of your bowling game? Who scored the highest in your game?






Literacy activities


Watch Jake reading 'The Great Pet Sale'


There are many World Book Day stories, read by our teachers on the school website :

Which one is your favourite? 

Think about what your favourite stories are.



      Community widgit         


At school we are going to start celebrating St Patrick's Day and Red Nose Day.

Inside your activity pack you will find a Red Nose Day, Nose Design sheet. What colours and shapes can you use to design a new Red Nose?




In your activity pack, you have some ideas on making a shamrock collage.

You can bring your shamrock collage and red nose design with you to school to show Emma and Clare.